Looking to Solve Standing Water Issues in Your Yard? Get a Drain Tile

A garden or yard is supposed to be well-watered, not very soggy that plants can’t thrive in it anymore. For some people, the immediate solution is putting in a dry well, but such a fix doesn’t really help. For one, a dry well is simply a gravel-filled hole dug in the ground, which will quickly fill with water while the soil around it remains soggy. Subsequently, the dry well is rendered almost useless.

Looking to Solve Standing Water Issues in Your Yard Get a Drain Tile

There are far more effective drainage solutions that exist for drenched yards in Vancouver and elsewhere. Since a dry well is unlikely to correct such a problem, enter the capabilities of drain tiles, which are pipes with tiny holes (perforations) buried underground. Water enters the pipe through the perforations and makes its way to a dedicated place, where it’s discharged onto a retention pond or storm sewer.

Drain tile is also known by many names, including French Drain, footing tile, weeping tile, clay tile, perforated drain, and a lot more. In general, the term “drain tile” doesn’t literally denote a tile that allows drainage, but rather describes a special drainage system. Its uses vary, ranging from farm drainage, irrigation (it can be used to transport water as a component in the irrigation system), foundation drainage, and yard drainage.

Tile drainage has its roots in agriculture. When the soggy subsurface of soil needs to be relieved of water, the entire process is referred to as tile drainage. Tile drainage, in a sense, is the complete opposite of irrigation—the latter adds water to the soil, while tile drainage takes water away from the soil.

A drain tile, however, cannot be installed at once. For optimal results, you need to perform some preparatory work first. Identifying your yard’s specific problem areas is perhaps the most important—those areas which routinely fill up or could be potential areas where standing water may accumulate. These spots are typically lower in terms of elevation and are usually located near your home’s foundation.  Once these are pinpointed, only then can you start working with a local installer of drain tiles, such as Kerrisdale Roofing and Drains Ltd. Ltd. Ltd., which primarily serves Vancouver and nearby areas.

The damage of leaving poor yard drainage unattended cannot be emphasized enough. Standing water prevents plant roots from getting enough oxygen and creates an environment that’s perfect for fungus (i.e. root rot), which can cause further damage to plants. Prevent all of these by sorting out your yard drainage.


Install Drain Tiles To Treat Standing Water, DailyHerald.com

What Is Drain Tile 101 : How Drain Tile Works, Seepage.com

How Does Drain Tile Work? eHow.com

Standing Water In Your Yard? Solve Your Drainage Problems In Three Steps, Housetopia.com, May 22, 2015

Garden Drainage – How To Correct Yard Drainage Problems, GardeningKNowHow.com

About Kai Wong

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Kerrisdale Roofing