Why Is It Important to Remove Foliage from Your Roof?

Your roof is one of the most easily forgotten areas of your home when it comes to maintenance. In fact, most homeowners would prioritize the interior and when they do get to the exterior, the roof is often neglected.

It is common for leaves to fall onto the roof, especially when your home is surrounded by trees. It wouldn’t be a cause for concern at first but once it piles up, then it becomes a problem. This foliage problem on the roof can cause major damage to your home and before you know it, you will end up spending a lot more than you should.

To get you started on the task of maintaining your roof, here are the reasons why removing the foliage is so important.

roof with foliage

1. Water Damage

A mass of wet leaves not only adds weight to your roof but can also make it difficult for your roof to dry out following a rain event. The damp leaves sitting on your roof can lead to mold or mildew and eventually jeopardize your shingles’ performance. Should this create any cracks in your shingles, water could seep into the roofing system and make its way inside your home, causing interior damage.

Leaves often will gather in the valley of your roofing system, an area more vulnerable to problems since it’s a lower space where two planes meet. Allowing leaves to remain in the valley—especially when they’re wet—increases the chance of water infiltration.

It’s important to remove leaves from a roof before the first snowfall. Otherwise, you might risk trapping them under the snow for weeks at a time, depending on your local climate. Prevention is a great way to avoid water damage, but for even more protection, you might consider installing quality leak barriers, which can help keep water out of your roofing system. Source: GAF

2. Minimize Risks of Pests and Molds

Stagnant water attracts bugs, including mosquitoes that lay eggs in, on, or near pools. Mosquitoes are widespread in the US, but some states, including Florida, have it worse. The Sunshine State alone is home to about 80 species of these blood-sucking insects.

Dead leaves also attract bugs that feed on them, such as mites, pillbugs, and woodlice. And if the plant litter leads to water damage, termites and molds can invade your building, too.

Molds aren’t only unpleasant-looking; they also lead to property damage. Moreover, they can cause adverse reactions in the 6% to 10% of Americans with mold allergies. Source: Garlock-French

3. Broken Gutters

Leaving your roof untouched and not removing leaves can put you at risk of your gutters breaking. This is because the leaves add extra weight to the gutters, which over time will cause them to sag or even fall off completely if they’re not properly secured.

If you notice your gutters sagging or deteriorating, it’s important to call a professional so they can properly secure them and prevent any further damage. Doing it yourself would be a messy and dangerous job, so it’s always best to leave it to the professionals once they get to this point.

4. Water Seeping Underneath Shingles

Leaves that have been left on your roof for an extended period of time can also cause water to seep underneath your shingles. Shingles are designed to protect your roof from water damage, but if there’s already water present underneath them from not removing leaves, they won’t be able to do their job properly.

This is because the leaves act as a barrier, preventing the water from draining off your roof properly.

If you notice any water spots on your ceiling or walls, it’s important to call a professional so they can assess the situation and determine if the leaves are the cause. If they are, they’ll be able to remove them and prevent any further damage. Source: Fillo

Hopefully, this article will motivate you to get started on clearing those leaves off your roof. You will be thankful that you did – especially in keeping the problem from progressing. To learn some more insightful tips, go ahead and visit our website or get in touch with one of our professionals!



Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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Kerrisdale Roofing