What Is Composite Decking?

Decks can really improve the look and value of your home. They’re also great for entertaining guests or just enjoying the outdoors. Composite decks are especially popular because they’re low maintenance and durable. Discover more about it by reading below:

Kerrisdale Roofing and Drains Ltd. Ltd.

What is composite decking?
Here’s a quick rundown on composite decks. Most are made from recycled wood scraps and plastic ­– making them pretty eco-friendly. They come in a variety of earth-tones and wood colors to match your outdoor decor. Many manufacturers also add fake wood grains, either in the coloring or the mold in which the planks are formed.

Composite decks come in a plank form, similar to traditional treated wood planks. You also have the option now to buy composite deck tiles. If you don’t want to completely replace your existing wood deck, you can use these tiles to cover the entire area. Home Depot boasts that they snap together and only take a few minutes to install. Source: QuickenLoans

How much will it cost?
Run-of-the-mill boards start at $4 per square foot, while the premium products that closely resemble tropical wood run up to $7.20 per square foot.

What’s the warranty?
Most manufacturers offer either a 25-year or limited-lifetime warranty on structural integrity; some warranties are transferable from one homeowner to another. Fading, scratches, and stains usually aren’t covered.

How much care does it require?
Less than wood. A simple scrubbing with soapy water and a soft bristle brush is usually all that’s needed. Source: ThisOldHouse

– There’s less maintenance.Consumers must decide if the look and feel of natural wood is worth the work that goes into periodic staining, painting and replacing sections that have begun to decay. If you’d rather spend your time doing something else, composites are your choice.
Composites come in a variety of colors.Unlike wood, composites don’t need to be painted or stained to match your home’s exterior.
You can use recycled materials.Some composite companies are using recycled materials. This means your synthetic deck can be environmentally friendly.
The technology is improving.Some manufacturers now produce decking with a hard plastic shell bonded to composite boards to improve durability. According to Popular Mechanics, this makes the surface less prone to staining, fading, scratching and mold.

– A pricey alternative to wood.Durability comes at a cost, as composite decking is more expensive than wood. It could cost 15 to 20 percent more for composite material than pressure-treated pine.
– Composites aren’t natural.No matter how much effort goes into making composites look like wood, they’re not. The only way to get the full beauty of a wood deck is to use the real thing.
– Composite decks aren’t completely maintenance free.Like wood decks, they still require you to sweep up leaves and other debris, and wash them down periodically. Source: Travelers

Looking for professionals to help you turn your vision of a perfect summer hangout spot into reality? We are here to help! Transform your outdoor space with a custom deck, designed just for you and your home. Call us for a free estimate.


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains Ltd.
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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