What Is a Soffit?

If you’ve ever looked up at the underside of your roof, chances are you noticed those long, horizontal panels that extend out from the edge. But what are they? And more importantly, what do they do? Find out in this article.

Kerrisdale Roofing and Drains Ltd. Ltd.

Technically, a soffit is any material that makes up the underside of a part of your house, including ceilings, stairs and cornices. Older homes might feature soffits as a decorative element, while other structures use soffits to hide things like structural beams, HVAC ducts or plumbing. Source: Home.HowStuffWorks

1. Enhances aesthetics
: Soffits can give your home a more finished look. Without them, the rafters on the underside of your roofing are visible—for example, on covered porch ceilings. Soffits are available in a variety of colors, materials, and styles, including wood-grain and smooth finishes. To give your home a uniform and polished appearance, it’s typical to invest in a soffit that matches or coordinates with the rest of your external design.

2. Improves ventilation: The primary reason for installing a soffit on your home is to achieve proper ventilation. In addition to the underside of your roof deck, soffit will cover at least a portion of your attic area (if your home has one). Heat accumulates in attics over time as a result of both the sun pounding down on the home and energy use inside the home. Soffits are a ventilation system unto themselves, enabling air to circulate and heat to escape, which can assist with keeping your electricity bills lower in the summer.

3. Controls moisture: The venting that soffit installation provides can help keep moisture out of the region immediately beneath your roofline, thereby preventing water damage, wood rot, mold growth, and ice formation. These issues can be at best inconvenient and at worst can lead to roof repairs or even total roof replacement—significantly costly outcomes, especially if elements of your roofing system are not covered by a warranty or other kind of insurance. Source: Masterclass

Additional tips
If you discover mildew or mold on your soffit, use a soft brush or broom and a cleaning solution made with bleach and water to clean it.

Periodically check for bee, hornet or wasp nests. If you’re not comfortable working on a ladder or the nests are extensive, call a professional to remove the nests. Source: HGTV

If you need any help with anything roofing-related, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Our team will be happy to help.


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains Ltd.
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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