Tips to Keep Your Home Safe and Cozy This Winter

It’s that time of year again when the weather starts to cool down and we all start bundling up! But before you settle in front of the fire with some hot chocolate and a Christmas movie, make sure your home is safe and secure with these tips:

Kerrisdale Roofing and Drains Ltd. Ltd.

Examine the chimney
If you have a fireplace, you’ll want to make sure the chimney is clear of any buildup. A dirty chimney can be a fire hazard, so hire a chimney sweep to ensure it’s clear and you can build fires safely all season.

TIP: If you don’t actively use your fireplace, inflate a chimney balloon and plug up the space to keep out the cold. Source: Forbes

Clear the gutters
Icicles are pretty, but the ice dams that they spring from are among the most destructive forces that nature throws at your home’s exterior. When rain and melting snow freeze, thick blocks of heavy ice can form on your home’s eaves, where they can pull down gutters, damage your roof, and cause water damage.

Those are expensive repairs that you’d be wise to avoid. Cleaning your gutters in the fall is a crucial part of winterization because the free flow of water prevents ice dams and all the havoc they cause. It’s a DIYable job, but the same gravitational pull that makes ice dams so destructive also makes ladders incredibly dangerous. Source: Finance.Yahoo

Inspect the roof
Loose or missing shingles invite roof leaks due to melting snow. This can be done with a quick visual inspection.

Install insulation
An extra layer of insulation in attics or crawl spaces can pay huge dividends in energy savings. Source: FamilyHandyman

Pump out the water heater
Particles and sediment can collect over time in the bottom of your water heater, hindering the unit’s efficiency. Flush the water through the drain valve to clear out the material and keep your heater functioning at its best. Source: BobVila

Enjoy a worry-free holiday season by letting professionals handle these jobs for you! Call us today to get a free estimate.


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains Ltd.
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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