5 Signs Your Chimney Needs Cleaning

During the colder months, nothing beats the feeling of relaxing in front of a fireplace while drinking some hot chocolate. Also, families would gather around to bond, play games, and enjoy their time together.

However, special moments like these can all be ruined if you have a dirty chimney. This is the reason why you need to conduct regular chimney maintenance to ensure that you can enjoy this heat source.

A man cleaning a chimney

If your chimney is not yet included in your regular home maintenance checklist, then perhaps these signs will convince you in doing so:

1. The Room Fills with Smoke

One thing that can get everyone up on their feet and swatting their arms is a room filled with smoke, especially if it is thick, black and all-consuming. This isn’t only a huge inconvenience but  can pose a health risk   when inhaled. Chimney smoke can also cause strong odors that linger in the room and on your clothes.

If this happens, it may be a sign that the chimney needs cleaning. You may also want to check the quality of the wood to see if it’s wet, as this may also cause smoke, as well as the fire dying gradually and losing oxygen to maintain itself. Additionally, the damper could be closed when lighting the fire, so always check that it’s open beforehand.

A chimney cap installation helps prevent water from entering your chimney and causing potential moisture issues. The cap has a cover that goes over the top of the chimney to keep water out, but it doesn’t obstruct airflow because it has mesh siding. Source: Anderson’s Chimney & Masonry

2. Bird or Animal Entry

Another reason that you may be smelling something in your chimney is that a bird or animal may have gotten in. If your chimney cap is in a state of disrepair, or if you don’t have a chimney cap, it’s easy for critters to get in but not always so easy for them to get back out. Your chimney is a perfect spot for animals and birds to raise a family, warm, dark, and free from the elements and predators. This means there will be droppings, feathers, or, unfortunately, sometimes even a dead animal inside your chimney. These are bound to smell, and need to be removed from your chimney as soon as possible. Source: Chimney Doctors of Colorado

3. You Struggle Getting Your Fire Started

It’s only difficult to get your fireplace running when there’s not enough airflow. There must be an obstruction in the way. More often than not, immense creosote accumulation is the culprit. A good sweeping should get things back to normal.

4. You Notice Non-Wood Debris in the Fireplace

If you discover remnants of your chimney at the bottom of your fireplace, it’s bad news. Those are most likely pieces of a failing flue liner. The moment you learn about it, call Chimney Doctors for chimney relining immediately. Otherwise, the combustible materials in the area can ignite the next time you use your fireplace.

5. You See That Your Bricks Are Turning White

The sight of bricks covered in white flakes is a sign of moisture damage. There’s no way to remedy the affected areas except to replace them. Source: Chimney Doctors NY

All these signs you see here are urgent and need to be addressed as soon as possible for you to continue enjoying the heat it provides. If you want to get your chimney fixed, don’t hesitate to call us today!



Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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