Unexpected Hazards Caused by A Leaky Roof

The roof in our home is supposed to protect us from harmful hazards such as the rain. However, it can be prone to wear and tear especially if it was built a long time ago.

There are some roofing problems that aren’t easily detected, and it could be problematic because it can end up damaging your home more than it should. This can easily happen if you aren’t doing a periodic check-up on your home and skip on some important maintenance.

If you don’t take action anytime soon, then some unexpected hazards caused by your roof are bound to happen. These are just some of the examples:

Brown roof bricks

Attic and Ceiling Damage

A leaking roof will allow water to seep into your attic and damage items stored there. The walls in this area can also absorb moisture and encourage mold and moss growth. Therefore, it is advisable to regularly check your attic or hire a professional to identify any signs of roof leakage.

Another part of your home that a leaky roof can damage is your ceiling. As water flows down through the cracks or gaps, it eventually gets to this area and causes various types of damage, such as darkening, bubbling, and staining. Furthermore, if you have a wooden ceiling, it may absorb the water and swell or rot. This damage may then cause the surface to weaken and fall into the house, damaging more items or causing physical injuries. Source: Absolute Construction

Sagging Drywall

Drywall is commonly used to divide spaces within the home during the construction phase of the process. You shouldn’t expose drywall to water, but when you’ve got a leaky roof, that’s exactly what happens. Too much water can cause your drywall to sag, buckle, or fall apart.

“Get a roof inspection done by a professional if you see cracked or missing tile, lifted/curling shingles, degranulation of shingles, or weeds/plants growing on the roof,” says Ryan Westfall, vice president of Westfall Roofing in Tampa, FL. Source: Angi

Mold in Your Home

The presence of mold in your home’s interior is one of the most common signs of water damage that may result from a leaky roof. Water leakage creates a damp environment that is conducive for mold growth. When mold sets in, it quickly spreads to other areas.

Mold in your home creates a hazardous environment to live in as it poses serious health risks, such as:

Nasal congestion

Getting rid of the mold growing on surfaces such as walls, floors, and ceilings is a tedious task, but can be achieved with homemade solutions. However, if the leakage is not addressed, the problem will resurface.

If you notice signs of mold growth that can also be characterized by a musty smell or dampness, reach out to a remediation company to assess the severity of the damage and to mitigate it before it spreads to the rest of the house. Source: Advantage Construction, Inc.

Foundation Problems

Another, less thought of perhaps, problem caused by roof leaks is foundation damage. If water overflows your gutters and backs up an eave without proper drip edge on it, it can run down the home’s foundation as soon as destroy the fascia board or enter the house. This could cause foundation upheaval over time. Source: Sheegog Contracting

Hopefully, the unexpected hazards that you’ve learned about here will open your eyes to doing regular check-up and maintenance not only to your roof but to other important structures of your home. Through this, you will not end up with a hefty bill and you will surely keep your family safe from harmful scenarios.



Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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Kerrisdale Roofing