4 Reasons Why Redwood Decks Are the Best

Do you want a deck that will last for years to come? If so, then you should consider redwood as your decking material. Here are some of the reasons why it’s worth the investment:

Kerrisdale Roofing and Drains Ltd. Ltd.

As they grow, the trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, storing it in the wood and releasing oxygen into the air. When the trees are harvested, the carbon they had captured remains stored: an average redwood deck carries 500 pounds of carbon. Choosing redwood as a building material can actually reduce a homeowner’s carbon footprint. In addition, when lumber is milled into decking and other products, the bark, sawdust and scraps are collected and used to produce biomass energy. In terms of sustainability, you can’t go wrong! Source: BobVila

The same natural features that give redwood its durability also mean redwood decks will hold a protective finish longer and withstand multiple refinishings over the years. With a little minimal maintenance – sweeping, wiping up spills – a redwood deck can last 30 years or longer. Even when redwood is no longer useful as decking, homeowners can still recycle the decking to use in other landscaping projects or even shredded down to use as mulch. Source: Redfin

Redwood has a long, straight grain that appeals to lots of aesthetically-minded homeowners. In addition, its vibrant red color stands out in any yard or space. To some, it’s primarily the look of redwood that makes it such a desired type of material for a deck or other project.

Easy to work with
Many carpenters report that redwood is a relatively easy wood to make into decking. As a softer wood, redwood can be less likely to buck a saw, or stop power tools with hard knots. Overall, this wood is a winner when it comes to creating quality decks or outdoor spaces that will improve the value of a home or property. Source: DoItYourself

We hope you’ve gained some insight into the benefits that redwood decking has to offer. To learn more about your other options for decking materials and how much they cost, contact us today!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains Ltd.
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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