When to Repair or Replace Your Roof

Depending on what has happened to your roof, you might face the decision of whether you should repair or replace.  Find out more about whether you should repair or replace with the following problems:

Damaged Shingles
Replacing shingles due to wind damage or a fallen limb is a relatively easy and inexpensive. Torn or damaged shingles can be removed, and new ones can be slipped in place. The downside is that unless your roof is relatively new and you happen to have saved some spare shingles from the job, your patch job may not match the existing roof. But that is a small price to pay if the repair would extend the life of your current roof for another 10 or 15 years! However, if you plan to sell your home in the next few years, ask your contractor to order shingles that match as closely as possible. A roof with a prominent patch is unattractive and will not inspire a potential buyer’s confidence. Source: BobVila

Roof Leaks
If you check the condition of your roof at least once a year, you should be able to plan in advance for necessary repairs. Early signs of trouble include dark areas on ceilings, peeling paint on the underside of roof overhangs, damp spots alongside fireplaces, and water stains on pipes venting the water heater or furnace.

From the outside, you can assess your roof’s health by viewing it through binoculars. Warning signs include cracked caulk or rust spots on flashing; shingles that are buckling, curling, or blistering; and worn areas around chimneys, pipes, and skylights. If you find piles of grit from asphalt roof tiles in the gutters, that’s a bad sign, since the granules shield the roof from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays. Black algae stains are just cosmetic, but masses of moss and lichen could signal roofing that’s decayed underneath. Source: HouseLogic

Damage Caused By Typhoon
Did the damage occur as a result of something like a recent tornado or hurricane? If so, then you should definitely consider replacing the entire roof. Very often, there’s a level of damage beyond what you are easily able to see. Bigger problems can be lurking around the corner and it’s much better to be safe than sorry. Source: MoneyTalksNews

If you’re looking for quality roof work that can suit your budget, then give us a call!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains Ltd.
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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Kerrisdale Roofing