Watch Out for These Common Roofing Scams

A new roof is a significant roofing commitment and it’s important for homeowners to spot a scam for such an investment. These types of businesses would ruin the reputation of hardworking and legit roofing contractors because of the threat they pose to customers who are unaware of it.

It is important that you have an idea on what to watch out for to ensure that you can spot a scam from miles away. Not only that, but you will also ensure that your hard-earned money will be put to good use and not end up in an amateur’s work.

Scam warning icon

So, make sure to be cautious of these common roofing scams:

1. Storm Chasers

Some roofing contractors chase storms, meaning they follow severe weather and go to those areas hoping to drum up business. Sometimes referred to as “storm chasers,” they often approach homeowners and say they’ve noticed roof damage or even offer a free roof inspection. They might claim they’re working on another roof in your neighborhood. Often, these storm chasers collect a down payment or do less than quality work, and then skip town before completing the job.

Any roofer that approaches you as a door-to-door salesperson should be vetted with caution. Successful roofing contractors typically don’t need to be knocking on homeowners’ doors. Regardless, your first call after a storm should be to file an insurance claim to your insurance company. An adjuster will inspect the damage and tell you what they will cover. Then, you can find a trustworthy contractor to do the job. Source: Angi

2. The “Bait And Switch”

The bait and switch scam occurs when a contractor offers a low quote for a roofing job, only later to switch the materials or scope of the job once the work has begun. For example, a contractor may quote a price for a basic asphalt shingle roof but then switch to a more expensive material once the work has started. The homeowner is then left with a much larger bill than expected.

To avoid falling for this scam, get a detailed written contract that clearly outlines the materials, scope of work, and payment terms. Ask for a written breakdown of the costs and materials that will be used. Source: Brian Dawson Roofing & Construction

3. Low Starting Bid

The way this type of scam works is the fraudulent roofer will quote you insanely cheap prices which will inevitably rise after they start working. A quote that was once $1,800 will now quickly spiral to upwards of $5000.

Before having anyone repair your roof after a major storm make sure that you receive multiple quotes from different roofing companies to make sure the price is realistic. If the price seems too good to be true and you have no way of verifying the business, it’s probably not legitimate. Contact the Better Business Bureau (BBB) to report them immediately as they are most likely scam artists. Source: Rennison Roofing & Exteriors

Hopefully, you haven’t fallen victim to any roofing scams yet and have become much more aware now because of this information. If ever you need a legit contractor for your roofing needs, we are always here for you. Just give us a call!



Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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Kerrisdale Roofing