Vancouver Drainage Services Solve the Most Common Drainage Problems

A reliable drainage system displaces used water and carries it away from your home. Problems with your drainage may make it difficult for water to find a way out of your home, causing it instead to come back up your home’s plumbing. For even the simplest problems with your drainage system, be sure to call on Vancouver drainage experts to protect your home from further damage.

What Are the Most Common Drainage Issues WiseGeek

Clogged Drain

Clogged or blocked drains are the frequent outcomes whenever someone flushes something that’s too large for the drain pipes to accommodate. Blockages could also happen when leaves, silt, rocks, and other debris find their way into an outdoor drain.

Damaged Drain Tiles

Faulty drain tiles are one of the most overlooked causes of drainage problems. The main function of drain tiles is to direct water away from the foundation’s exterior and toward the sump pump. Unless you want to step on a soggy, water-filled floor, you would do well to pay attention to this part of your home.

Incorrect drain tile installation, as well as the absence of an adequate filtering material, are the main reasons why drain tiles fail to do their work. A good way to know whether or not your drain tiles are still able to do function properly is to check for pools of water in the crawl space. If you find this task rather impossible, you can simply you can entrust it to a company like Kerrisdale Roofing and Drains Ltd. Ltd. LTD.

You might not take notice of a build-up of water on your foundation’s floor joists or wood trusses until the water seeps through the cracks. By then, the damage would already have been done, so the best way to address this problem is to replace your drain tiles. To prevent future mishaps, be sure to let a drainage expert carry out the fittings and actual replacement.

Clogged drains, puddles in your yard, and damaged drain tiles will all need the attention of Vancouver drainage experts, like those from Kerrisdale Roofing and Drains Ltd. Ltd. LTD. You could certainly try going DIY, but with professional help, you don’t have to worry about exacerbating your drainage problems.

(Source: What Are the Most Common Drainage Issues?, WiseGeek)

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