Summer Home Maintenance Checklist

Summer is a time for vacations, backyard barbecues and basking in the sun. But there are items on your to-do list that you should be taking care of now before it’s too late. If you’re looking for a checklist of everything you need to do this summer, start with the following:

Windows and doors
Check the windows and doors, as well as their frames for any evidence of damage, and walk the perimeter of the house for any obvious changes or damage. Also, have your roof regularly inspected by a professional to identify areas of potential leakage. Source: Travelers

Walkways and driveway
Another great summer home maintenance tip is to thoroughly clean your walkways and driveway. The key to cleaning a patio, driveway and walkway is to use a pressure washer. Before you get out your pressure washer however, it is a good idea to check these areas for cracks and weeds. Once you have inspected everything, get out that pressure washer and wash away everything that has been sitting on there for the past year. Source: BudgetDumpster

Although most people are gathering in smaller groups this summer, he recommends a thorough annual deck inspection, regardless of how much it is used.

Inspect the deck for mold, mildew, popped screws and loose boards. Pay close attention to the place where the deck meets the house, the railings and the stairs.
Jump around and give railings a firm shake. Any softness and wobbling could be signs that the deck needs repairs.
Scrub the deck with soapy water once per year.
Clear sealants often need to be applied annually; opaque solid stains may only need to be applied every three to five years. Source: Farmers

Your fence doesn’t have to be rickety to need attention. A simple spot cleaning or pressure-washing may be just what it needs to look like new. Just be sure to use the right cleaning materials for your fence.2

Wooden fences: Use a scrub brush and mild detergent.
Vinyl fencesUse a cloth and baking soda mixed with water. Avoid bleach as it may stain the vinyl.
Metal fencesUse a scrub brush (like the one you use for your grill) and strong household detergent for stains. Source: Safewise

Planning for summer home maintenance doesn’t have to be a chore. We’ve created this checklist of tasks that need your attention before the hot months arrive, and we’re happy to help you prioritize what needs to be done. Call us today to set up an appointment with one of our experts who will take care of all these projects in as little time as possible!

Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains Ltd.
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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