Signs You Have Water Damage on Your Ceiling

Untreated water damage on the ceiling can lead to more serious concerns such as mold, mildew, or a collapsed ceiling. This type of leak will go unnoticed for some time unless you see rainwater dripping onto your furniture or floor. Unfortunately, the longer the time goes by, the more damage it has already sustained.

water damage on the ceiling

It is best if you can identify signs of a leak before it’s too late. This will ensure that any further damage to your home will be prevented. These are the top signs you need to lookout for:

1. Water stains and marks on the ceiling – One of the most obvious signs of ceiling water damage is water stains. These stains can range in color from light brown to yellow, and they are usually circular or oval in shape. If you see any water stains on your ceiling, it is important to investigate the source of the leak and have it repaired as soon as possible. It could be some sort of Roof leak or some major build-up of condensation or a leaky pipe of some kind.

If you are unsure, take photos of the stains to show to a contractor and get their thoughts on it as soon as possible. Get them to come out and check if you are not entirely sure. Water damage is no joke, and it is best to get it checked out.

2. Sagging or drooping ceiling tiles – Another clear sign of ceiling water damage is sagging or drooping ceiling tiles. This can be caused by a number of different factors, including leaks from plumbing pipes or the build-up of condensation on the underside of the tiles. If you notice any sagging or drooping ceiling tiles, it is important to have the problem inspected and repaired as soon as possible.

Again try not to touch it to make the problem worse—take pictures/video of the problem from different angles to show the contractor. Source: Dengarden

3. Peeling paint – Like discoloration, you may also notice the paint on your ceiling is peeling. If the water leaked into the walls of your home as well, you might notice peeling paint or wallpaper there, too. When the water damage starts peeling the paint, it likely means there is a constant leak somewhere keeping the area damp. Depending on the amount of water damage, you may also see the trim separating from the walls.

4. Cracks or bubbles – With damp ceilings often come cracks and bubbles. Usually, the cracks are in straight lines or resemble a spider’s web. Bubbles sometimes form between the drywall and the paint with water damage, too. Usually, when you see visible signs of damage, there is more damage hidden deeper in the ceiling. That’s because a small leak over a long period of time can cause big damage. Source: Standard Restoration

5. Warped and shifted portions of the room – Ceiling water doesn’t just cause damage to the ceiling, but it wreaks havoc on the entire room below. The humidity and damage from the water will cause doorframes, molding, and window frames to shift and become warped. You may notice it’s harder to close a door or the molding no longer aligns with the walls. Source: Titan Restoration Construction

Make sure to go see a professional once you see these signs. If ever you are looking for one, we are here to provide you with all the help you need! Just give us a call and we’ll be there to do an inspection as soon as possible.



Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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