Signs of Poor Insulation

As roofing contractors, we frequently encounter outdated, damaged, or ineffective insulation. Insulation problems can cause a variety of issues for homeowners, including mold and energy inefficiency. The good news is that there are several telltale signs to watch out for if you suspect you have poor insulation. Here are some of them:

Man Installing Insulation

Sinking ceiling
If you have a roof leak, bad insulation may have caused it. The water that enters inside your attic and inside your walls may also waterlog your insulation if it’s the fiberglass type. That causes a heaviness, and some sections of your ceiling will appear lower than others. Source: HomeStratosphere

High energy costs
No one likes to receive a utility bill, especially one that seems to steadily climb in the winter months. Rising bills indicate your furnace is working extra hard to compensate for an insulation problem in your home. Use your energy provider’s website to review your home’s previous energy bills and understand the seasonal trends. It may also be helpful to compare bills with neighbours who live in similar homes.

Inconsistent temperature
Cold rooms mean that heat is either leaving the room too quickly or not entering correctly. Both are clear signs of poor insulation. Perform a touch test on walls around your home. If drywall feels cold to the touch, there isn’t enough insulation behind it. Drafts around windows, doors, switches, and outlets should also be sealed to prevent air leaks. Source: YellowPages

Issues related to pests
Cracks in your foundation, home siding, and roof can also welcome unwanted visitors into your insulation. The warm and soft layer attracts everything from mice and rats to fleas and bedbugs. Pest control pros near you may recommend inspecting your insulation if you suspect an infestation. Insects and rodents either burrow through and damage your insulation, or in the case of some insects, even eat it over the years. Source: Angi

To avoid more severe issues down the line, call us as soon as you detect any of these warning signs. We’ll inspect your insulation and replace it if needed!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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Kerrisdale Roofing