Pros and Cons of DIY Roofing Repairs

If you own a house, you understand how costly it is to spend money on repairs and maintenance. This kind of scenario is inevitable especially if you’ve had your house for quite some time already.

In terms of roofing, the maintenance cost will depend on the material you used and its durability. If you did right with your roofing, then you can be sure that it will take years before a problem surfaces. But you need to make sure that you have set aside some money for a repair like this because it can be very costly.

There are some people who prefer to DIY their roofing repairs especially if they want to save some money. This isn’t a problem at all – just as long as you know what you’re doing. However, there’s no denying that there are those who would just hop in on the repairs without proper knowledge and they might end up spending even more.

Man Repairing a Roof

So, before you take up your tools to do some roofing repairs, make sure you know the pros and cons for this one first.

What sort of roof repairs can you DIY?

Frankly, replacing an entire roof is often too daunting for most DIY-ers. Repairs, however, are a different story. Here are some simple ones you can undertake with minimal investment:

Replace shingles: If a storm or winter weather or the ravages of time have damaged a few shingles (they might appear cracked or rotted), you could probably fix them up yourself. Replacing a shingle basically involves removing the nails and breaking the seal if needed. Next, remove the shingle and replace it with a fresh one.

Fix the flashing: If your roof has a chimney or dormers, it has flashing, a thin metal material used to direct water away from entry points in your home. As you inspect your shingles, give the flashing a quick examination to see if it’s leaking. If you notice any leaks, reseal its joints using a caulk gun filled with roofing cement. Source: Bankrate

Pros of DIY Roofing Repairs

Cost Savings
One of the primary benefits of DIY roofing repairs is cost savings. By doing the work yourself, you can save money on labor costs and avoid paying a contractor’s markup on materials. And this can be beneficial if you have a tight budget or need to make repairs quickly.

Control Over the Process
Another advantage of DIY roofing repairs is having complete control over the repair process. When you hire a contractor, you rely on them to decide materials, timelines, and other vital factors. By doing the work yourself, you have complete control over every aspect of the repair process, ensuring you fix your roof to your specifications.

Learning New Skills
DIY roofing repairs can also be a great way to learn new skills and better understand how your home works. By taking on this project, you can learn about roofing materials, installation techniques, and best practices for roof maintenance. These skills can be valuable not only for future home repairs but also for personal and professional development. Source: Allied Construction

Cons of DIY Roofing Repairs

Increased Risk of Injury
The higher risk of injury is another huge con regarding DIY roofing projects. The whole roofing system is already an inherently dangerous working environment; without the right safety equipment or proper training beforehand, it’s easy to get injured while attempting a repair or maintenance job or a new roofing job.

Poor Quality Results
The quality of your job will be directly related to your expertise level, so if you don’t know what you’re doing, there’s a good chance you could end up with poor results – either now or in the future as problems become more obvious over time.

The Cost of Materials
DIY roofing projects can often end up costing you more money than they save in the long run, as you may not know how to source your own roof and materials efficiently or be able to purchase them at wholesale prices. This means you could be paying more for new roofs and materials than if you’d gone with hiring a professional contractor. Source: Storm Pros

Hopefully, this information is helpful enough to give you a sound decision on whether you’ll go DIY or not. Just note that a professional like us is always there to help you and ensure that your roofing repairs won’t go to waste. Give us a call today!



Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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Kerrisdale Roofing