Prepare For Spring with These 3 Simple Projects

Spring is just around the corner so here are 3 simple projects you can add on your list as you start planning out which things you’ll do.

Photo by Larm Rmah on Unsplash

Examine Roof Shingles
Examine roof shingles to see if any were lost or damaged during winter. If your home has an older roof covering, you may want to start a budget for replacement. The summer sun can really damage roof shingles. Shingles that are cracked, buckled or loose or are missing granules need to be replaced. Flashing around plumbing vents, skylights and chimneys need to be checked and repaired by a qualified roofer. Source: HGTV

Rearrange Furniture
“Rearrange the floor plan of your living room — it’s the ultimate no-cost decorating tip. Moving around your furniture will be a super quick update for the new season and will have you feeling brand new.” —Jason Grant Source: HouseBeautiful

Check Foundation Vents
A house with a crawl space has vents along the foundation walls. The vents provide air circulation that helps dissipate excess moisture and prevent mold growth. The vents have screens that keep critters from taking up residence under your residence. The screens usually are recessed and become catch-alls for leaves, twigs and assorted debris.

Spring is a great time to clean out foundation vents and check screens for damage. Clean the vents by hand or a shop vacuum. Repair any damaged screens knowing that a rat can squeeze through a hole the size of a quarter, and mice can get inside a hole barely bigger than the diameter of a pencil! Source: DIYNetwork

To avoid the hassle of doing the work yourself, call our professionals today!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains Ltd.
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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