Important Things You Need to Know About Chimney Liners

Do you know what a chimney liner is? It’s an important part of any fireplace or wood stove. In this blog post, we will teach you what you need to know about this often overlooked piece of hardware so that you can avoid chimney fires and ensure that it performs as designed.

Kerrisdale Roofing and Drains Ltd. Ltd.

What is a chimney liner?
A flue lining in a masonry chimney is defined as “a clay, ceramic, or metal conduit installed inside of a chimney, intended to contain the combustion products, direct them to the outside atmosphere, and protect the chimney walls from heat and corrosion.”  Source: DoItYourself

Why is proper maintenance necessary?
Cracks or damage can lessen the effectiveness of the liner, which make burning anything in your fireplace or wood stove risky. Plus, if your liner is damaged, you may have a hard time passing a home inspection and selling your house until it’s repaired or replaced.

In the “olden days,” chimneys were completely unlined or only lined with clay tiles, which could crack or break relatively easily. Especially if you have an older home, an excellent first step is to have a masonry or chimney expert examine your chimney and assess its integrity.

Do you burn wood in your fireplace regularly? You should definitely have your chimney liner inspected as part of an overall maintenance plan performed at least once a year. Cleaning is a good idea as well: The products of burning wood, called creosote, can build up in your unlined or improperly lined chimney, and may eventually cause a fire. Source: RealtyTimes

What are the different repair methods?
Chimney liners can crack, especially at their mortar joints. A professional can help you to determine if repairs will be sufficient to fix these issues or if a replacement is necessary. The safety of repair methods is heavily debated among experts and you shouldn’t diagnose or perform repairs on your own.

The following are a few common repair options:

Thermocrete can be used to seal cracks and holes.
Heatshield “Cerfractory” can be used to fully resurface and seal cracks.
Joint repair systems are used to strengthen compromised mortar joints.
Clay tiles can be replaced as-needed, though the process may require opening the chimney wall.
Mortar is used to fill in multiple cracks in clay tile.
A cast-in-place system can be installed over broken clay tile to correct structural damage.

A warning about repair scams: Unfortunately, many homeowners have been taken for granted by scammers for this project. Supposed experts perform inspections and determine that a complete relining is needed for thousands of dollars when there is, in fact, zero damage to be found. On top of that, scammers often exaggerate how dangerous the situation is to panic homeowners into paying for big-ticket imp. If you’re not sure about a quote, get a second opinion. Source: HomeAdvisor

Looking for an accredited and reliable chimney maintenance contractor with a proven track record? Call us and we won’t let you down!

Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains Ltd.
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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