How To Walk Safely on the Roof for Maintenance

Walking on the roof can be very dangerous since you can easily fall off when you’re not too careful. This is the reason why experts recommend that you follow proper precautions if you plan on DIYing any repairs or maintenance.

So, before you tackle any roofing work, we recommend these safety precautions to ensure that you won’t be adding a hospital bill on top of the repair/maintenance costs.

Roofing Safety

1. Clear the roof

Make sure that the roof is clear of weather like rain or snow, but also of leaves and twigs and other debris. Wear gloves on your hands when removing debris, and it can be a good idea to hose the roof off of excess debris if that’s an option. If you do, wait for the roof to dry before walking on it. If the shingles are all coming off the roof as you do this, do not walk on the roof and consult Vancouver roofing services. Source: Taves Roofing

2. Wear appropriate clothing and footwear

The first step to understanding how to walk on a roof safely is to wear gloves, suitable clothing, and the proper footwear. Avoid loose clothing that could potentially blow around in the wind and cause you to lose balance.

Wear shoes with good traction. Leather soled shoes are not ideal for walking on a roof. It’s best to wear rubber-soled shoes. Soft-soled shoes will provide better traction and help you avoid slipping. Ensure your shoes are clean and free of any dirt or other debris.

3. Assess weather conditions

If it’s been raining or snowing recently, the rooftop will likely become slick and more dangerous to walk on. It’s best to avoid going on the roof altogether during inclement weather. Remain extra careful If you must walk on the roof while it’s wet or during high winds.

Your best strategy is to wait for the roof to dry off before attempting to walk on it. Stay off the roof during a thunderstorm as lightning could strike you. Source: Soltera

4. Secure the ladder

Fiberglass ladders are durable, but aluminum ladders can also work if you need something more lightweight. Secure the ladder to an anchor point with a cord or rope to prevent it from sliding side to side.

When placing the ladder against the roof, put in on level ground with no bumps or divots. Upon placement, ensure that the top extends no less than 3 ft. above the roof.

Get a spotter to help keep the ladder steady while you climb. This will help give you three points of contact, which helps secure the ladder even more.

Also, when placing the ladder, it should be at a ratio of 4:1; for every 4 meters the top of the ladder goes, the bottom of the ladder should go out 1 meter (1 meter=3.28 feet).

‍5. Wear a harness

It is absolutely critical to wear a harness if walking on a roof. They are pricey (some can run you around $20), but they will help prevent you from falling.

With a harness, you will also need to secure a roof bracket onto your home. Anchor the bracket on a truss or rafter. This will guarantee that the bracket is embedded in solid wood, as evidenced by the solid sound you will hear when anchoring.

If a roof bracket is out of the question, sling a long rope across the home, then tie it to a tree or other firmly embedded yard piece. This is much riskier but can do in a pinch. Source: Cloud Roofing

Make sure to prioritize these safety precautions before doing any DIY work. If ever the job is too big for you to handle, don’t risk it and just call a professional instead. You can get in touch with us by dialing the number listed below!



Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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Kerrisdale Roofing