How To Prevent Chimney Fires

There are several reasons why chimney fires occur, but the most common ones can be easily avoided.  It is important that homeowners with wood stoves and fireplaces understand the importance of fire safety to prevent such scenarios from happening. If you want to learn the basics of preventing chimney fires, then here is some information for you:

chimney safety

Make sure you have a good air flow

Good combustion requires a lot of air. Open all the air inlets when you light your fire. When the fire is burning well, you can turn down the air controls until it burns with controlled flames.

Maintain your flue

It is your responsibility to keep chimneys and fireplaces maintained. Inspect them for cracks and signs that the flue may be damaged. If you are unsure, contact the fire and chimney sweeping services in your local area. Source: Sikker Hverdag

Use seasoned wood

If you’re using wood to start your fire, don’t just use any old log you’ve found. It’s really important that the wood you burn is well-seasoned. This means that it should have been left to dry for a long time, so that all the moisture has evaporated away.

Burning wet wood could be seriously dangerous. The water vapour can combine with gases and particles, which creates condensation, which then creates a substance called creosote. Creosote hardens to form tar. Tar is really flammable, and before you know it a damp bit of wood has led to a severe chimney fire. Source: Devon & Somerset

Use the correct fuel

When you have a fire or stove installed, it’s important to use the fuel which is recommended by the manufacturer. Doing so will not only help prevent chimney fires, but can also keep you and your loved ones safe from dangerous gases.

Comply with building regulations

When adding a new fireplace or stove to your home, always have the work carried out by an accredited installer who will ensure that building safety regulations are followed. If your fireplace/stove is installed then ask your chimney sweep to check if the current setup complies with building regulations the next time you have it cleaned.

Be fire safety conscious

As well as the above steps to help prevent chimney fires, it’s important to keep general fire safety at the fore of your mind during the cold months. Avoid burning household waste in your fire or stove as this can be particularly hazardous and use a fireguard whenever possible to prevent sparks from igniting items near your fireplace. Source: AA Membership

Hopefully, these fire safety tips have been helpful, and you will implement them in your own home. For more information like this, be sure to check out the other blogs on our website!



Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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