How to Fix Gutter Pitch

Are your gutters having trouble draining water away, even after a light rain or two? If so, it might be time to evaluate their pitch. Gutter pitch is the angle at which your gutters are installed so that they direct water away from your roof and into downspouts. The right pitch can make all the difference in keeping your home’s gutters clear of clogs and debris. Continue reading to learn more about it and how you can easily fix any issues with yours!

Red House with Gutter

Is it a good idea to level your gutters?
While you may think that a perfectly level gutter is more aesthetically pleasing or, conversely, that a sharper slope will drain the rainwater better, a gutter should never be level and can also slope too much.

Gutters require some slope for the water to flow towards the downspouts, or else it will simply collect in the gutters and overflow over the sides. However, a sharp slope will make too much water flow too quickly towards the downspout, causing splashing, which can damage sidings, shingles or fascia. In addition, if the slope is too extreme, water can overflow the downspout outlet at the lower end of the gutter. Gutters only have finite vertical allowance, and a steeper slope can cause water to build up and slosh in the downspout outlet, exceeding its height.

To prevent all these issues, calculate the proper slope for your gutters. The slope is also known as the pitch, and it is the drop when you plumb your gutters from one end of the run to the other. Source: HomeGuides.SFGate

What’s causing the incorrect pitch?
Sometimes, the gutter slope is off from the beginning if the gutters are installed incorrectly. Even if you hire a gutter company, the company could get the wrong slope from the beginning if it’s not reputable. Gutters can shift over time even if they were installed correctly. Loose brackets can cause a change in the slope. Heavy ice and snow in the winter can also throw off the gutter pitch.

Using heavy-duty, high-quality gutters and having them professionally installed can prevent these issues. Secure gutter fasteners are also a key part of preventing slope changes. When you clean your gutters, check the fasteners to ensure they’re tight and secure. Source: Hunker

What to do when the pitch is off?
You want at least a quarter inch of slope for every 10 feet. Get on a ladder after a rainstorm and look in the gutter; if there’s standing water, it’s not pitched properly.

To correct this yourself, you’ll need to measure from the peak to the downspout. Snap a chalk line between the two and find the spots where the gutter is out of alignment. You might be able to push it up into place by bending the hanger. If that doesn’t solve the problem, you might need to take a section down and rehang it. If you have seamless gutters, call the company that installed them to correct the problem. Source: HouseLogic

Evaluating gutter pitch is a tedious job and it’s one that often flies under the radar until homeowners start noticing water pooling in the gutters. If you find yourself in this situation and need help diagnosing the source of your gutter or drainage problem, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Our experienced team of professionals will be more than happy to help!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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