Home Design Trends of 2023

Are you thinking about sprucing up your home for the new year? Luckily, you don’t need to be an interior designer to stay on top of the latest trends in home design; if you’re a homeowner looking for ways to make your living space unique and stylish, then this blog post is perfect for you. Let’s dive right into how these new styles could revolutionize your abode!

Living Room

Biophilic design
Biophilic design is an environmental architectural style that emphasises a building’s natural qualities. It seeks to mimic outdoor environments’ shapes, textures and colours to make occupants feel more in tune with nature. This style continues to gain more relevancy as homeowners become more eco-conscious.

These are the most popular features of biophilic design:

Natural light: Every biophilic home relies more on natural than artificial light. Skylights, light shelves and window walls are common fixtures.
– Earthy colours: Green, grey, brown and other earthy tones appear most often in nature, so they’re the most common biophilic colours. Designs should use bright tones sparingly.
– Curved shapes: Biophilic buildings consist of round, free-flowing shapes. Columns, arches, porthole windows and round furniture items make frequent appearances.
– Ambiance: Sound is another crucial aspect of biophilic design. Water fountains, bird gardens and other soundscapes add another dimension of natural beauty.
– Greenery: Lots and lots of plants occupy biophilic buildings, as they bring more life and natural colours into the space. Plus, plants improve the building’s air quality.

Homes with these design features are brighter, greener and more relaxing than older homes’ jagged and blocky elements. Biophilic design covers the visual aspects of nature, but it doesn’t always make the house eco-friendly. That’s where the following trends come into play. Source: Build-review

Outdoor living area
With more time being spent at home, homeowners are looking to maximize livable space wherever possible, including outdoors. Especially once the weather begins to warm up in the spring, experts say that we can expect to see renovations move outside. Singh predicts that projects like decks, patios, and gardens will all be big in 2023 as homeowners look to create comfortable and functional outdoor living spaces. “This may include installing outdoor kitchens and entertaining areas,” he adds. Source: TheSpruce

Home office
Since working from home (even part time) has become mainstream, designers are putting more focus on home offices. Comfortable functionality is the name of the redesign game, featuring ergonomic furnishings, energizing colours and Zoom-friendly wall art and shelves. And if you’re currently building or renovating your home, chances are that you’re dedicating an area of your abode for the ideal work space. Source: HGTV

Looking to add a deck or patio to your home this year? Give us a call! Our team of experts would be more than happy to assist you in bringing your vision to life.


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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