Exterior Home Trends We Should Forget

It’s the perfect season for home maintenance and DIY projects. If you’ve been wanting to upgrade your home’s exterior, be sure to also keep in mind everything that you should avoid so you don’t waste any money or resources.

Kerrisdale Roofing and Drains Ltd. Ltd.

“Dimensional” roof shingles
If you have solid color siding on the exterior of your home, a patchy asphalt roof is perfectly fine and might be more interesting than a solid-colored roof. However, if you’ve got a multi-colored brick or stone design, a patchy asphalt roof will not be ideal. This exterior home trend will clash with your fastened elements rather than relate to them nicely. Source: FamilyHandyman

An overload of the gray color
There is no arguing about the fact that gray is a great neutral color for a base design. However, decorating with too much gray is drab. So add a couple pops of color in your exterior home design. This can be as simple as adding some color to your homes exterior through fun throw pillows, a bright front door or beautifully landscaped flowers. Source: MSN

Glass windows
Glass block windows let light in while also giving you some privacy, but they can also give off a ‘80s vibe—and not in a cool, retro ‘80s way. Today, designers are finding ways to breathe new life into block windows. Architectural Digest notes that some designers are using glass blocks as a type of accent wall that lights up a home’s interior. Another designer paired glass blocks with terrazzo to achieve a modern look.

Too many brass fixtures
Brass has come and gone in fashion, and now has come back a bit. This is one trend that can be too much of a good thing, however. Instead of having all brass outdoor fixtures, for example, use the material sparingly. Caitie Smithe, a design coordinator, told Realtor Magazine that brass works best when used in small doses. Too much can create a “too matchy-matchy” look, says Smithe. Source: BobVila

Save time, money, and headache by leaving your home renovation projects to the experts. Call us today for a free estimate!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains Ltd.
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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