Debunking Common Myths about Metal Roofing

Are you thinking about installing a new roof at home? If you’re thinking twice about considering metal as your material of choice, it’s probably because of the misconceptions surrounding it. Today, you’ll discover why metal can be one of your best options.

Metal Roofing

Myth: Lower energy cost
This is not necessarily true. If your home has inadequate insulation, air leaks and windows that are not energy efficient, installing a metal roof will not likely lower your heating bills. It is important to remember there are many factors that contribute to your home’s overall energy usage.

Myth: No resale value
This is not true! Metal roofs are actually highly valued. Homes renovated with standing-seam metal roofing recoup on average 85.9-percent of costs nationally and up to 95.5% for homes in the Eastern states, according to Remodeling Magazine. These gains in resale value amount to 1- and 6-percent, respectively, over homes roofed with asphalt shingles.

Myth: Metal roofs are loud
False. Typically, metal roofs are even quieter than an asphalt shingle roof. Metal roofs are usually installed with solid sheathing attached to the underlayment, which helps reduce noise. Source: AngiesList

Myth: Less durable
This couldn’t be farther from the truth! Metal roofs can withstand hurricane-force, 140-mile-per-hour winds and extreme storms.

Quality roofs stand up to hail and hold up under heavy snow and ice loads. Naturally, metal is a top choice for areas prone to severe weather and wildfires.

Myth: Harmful to the environment
Actually, quality metal roofing can last you more than 50 years (almost three times longer than other materials) and can be recycled rather than dumped into a landfill.

Quality roof coatings resist moss and fungus, which means lower long-term maintenance and fewer chemical treatments that can harm the environment. Source: TodaysHomeOwner

Myth: Easily damaged by hail
While extremely large hailstones can dent a metal roof, normal-size hail will not. With textured roofs, minor denting is even less readily visible. Source: BobVila

Roofing is an expensive investment. Aside from picking the best material, you should also let only the most experienced professionals do the installation, so you don’t have any problems later on. Call us today for a free estimate!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains Ltd.
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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Kerrisdale Roofing