Benefits of Roof Sheathing

Roof sheathing is a critical component of any roofing system, and it is important for homeowners to understand the benefits that come with it. Let’s take a look at them below.

Kerrisdale Roofing and Drains Ltd. Ltd.

What is a roof sheathing?
Roof sheathing is a layer of plywood, wafer board or wood planks which is nailed on the rafters and stands between them and the shingles that finish the roofing. Roof sheathing is usually made of staggered panels or boards, which can have spaces between them (open sheathing) or lie next to each other (closed sheathing). It can cover both lighter flat roofs and heavier pitched constructions. Source: DoItYourself

What does it do?
The purpose of roof sheathing is to provide extra strength to the roof. Sheathing provides the support system for the oof, going underneath it. In addition to providing extra stability, there are other benefits, too.

Don’t let leaks occur
Roof sheathing helps stop leaks and extend the roof’s lifespan and keep the home safe from water damage. In their earlier years, asphalt shingle roofs didn’t use sheathing, so the roof was more likely to leak. Today’s asphalt shingles have weatherproofing treatments in addition to sheathing underneath them for an added layer of protection.

Provide reliable support
Roof sheathing helps distribute weight evenly across the entire roof, adding support and strength to the roof. Because the sheathing boards are attached to the roof’s strongest support beams, they prevent sagging or bowing. Shingles are much heavier than we think, so sheathing helps evenly distribute the extra weight from precipitation or snow.

Fire prevention
Sheathing can help prevent fires. While not completely fireproof, many materials used for sheathing come with a fire retardant treatment. This treatment can resist fires on the roof or in the attic. Source: UpgradedHome

What is the standard thickness for roof sheathing?
The standard roof sheathing thickness for OSB is ⅝ inch. If you’re using plywood, ½-inch thick is sufficient. Source: BobVila

If you need help on anything roof-related, we can help! Don’t hesitate to give us a call today.


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains Ltd.
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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Kerrisdale Roofing