Are Fiberglass Shingles Perfect for Your Home?

When you are looking for a roofing material, there is no shortage of options available to you. However, not all materials are created equal, and choosing the wrong one could be an expensive mistake. So, if you want something durable that will last a long time, consider using Fiberglass Shingles.

What are Fiberglass Shingles?
Fiberglass shingles are made of a woven fiberglass base mat, covered with a waterproof asphalt coating, and topped with ceramic granules that shield the product from harmful UV rays. Because of the composition of the fiberglass mat, less asphalt is needed to give the shingles their durability and strength. The result is a lighter weight and thinner roofing material. Source: BobVila

Fiberglass vs. Asphalt
Fiberglass shingles are a type of asphalt shingle, often compared to an organic mat asphalt shingle. Fiberglass shingles are different because they have a fiberglass mat while organic asphalt shingles use paper as the base. Fiberglass shingles are more water resistant, fire resistant, and work well in hot climates and are often more expensive. Fiberglass shingles are less durable in extremely cold climates and are prone to damage when exposed to steady low temperatures. Source: Modernize

Fiberglass shingles cost less than most roofing materials. However, there are a lot of varieties of fiberglass shingles to choose from. Of course, this decision and more can drastically affect your fiberglass shingles cost.

First, the life expectancy of your fiberglass shingle roof will affect your bottom line. The most inexpensive fiberglass shingles are generally intended to last for 20 years. High-end fiberglass shingles are frequently sold with a lifetime warranty and will have no problem lasting 50 years.

While quality and durability play the biggest roles in fiberglass roofing material costs, aesthetics count as well. Standard fiberglass shingles, those that look like asphalt shingles, are on the lower end of the pricing spectrum. Conversely, you can also purchase fiberglass roof shingles that mimic other materials like genuine wood or slate. Your fiberglass shingles material price will vary according to the style chosen, with complex designs being more expensive.

Finally, the size of your roof will of course affect your final fiberglass shingles price. Larger roofs require more materials and more labor to install. While you can’t change the size of your roof, you can prepare for the costs.  Source: Improvenet

If you still can’t decide which roofing material is right for you, our team of well-experienced roofers are ready to help anytime. Call us!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains Ltd.
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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