A Guide to Maintaining Slate Roofs

Do you own a home with a slate roof? If so, you are fortunate to have one of the most beautiful and durable roofs available. Slate roofs can last for decades providing your family with unmatched protection from the elements. However, in order to ensure that your slate roof is capable of standing up to wear and tear for generations, maintaining it properly is essential.

Slate Roof

How much care does it require?
When installed properly, slate roofs require relatively little maintenance. The new roof will last 150 years or longer depending on the type of shingles installed, roof configuration, and the geographical location of the property.

Because of its longevity, slate roofing tiles are highly cost effective over the life of the roof. Not only is the stone naturally highly rugged, it is very resistant to mold, mildew, and other sources of contamination making maintenance costs minimal. That said, broken, cracked, and missing slate shingles should be repaired promptly by a professional in order to prevent water damage to your home’s interior and possible structural damage to framing. Source: Modernize

What are the warning signs to look out for?
Though slate is incredibly long-lasting, you’ll have to replace it eventually. Here are some signs that it’s time for roof repair or replacement.

Chipped, cracked, or broken shingles
Moisture damage in your attic or ceiling
Rusted flashing
Rot or sagging Source: ThisOldHouse

Are they worth repairing?
Repairing a slate roof is only worth it if the slate is not nearing the end of its lifespan. Major repairs may not be worth the investment for a soft slate roof that is showing its age. Hard slate can last 200+ years and is typically worth repairing.

Consult a professional slater if needed to confirm the roof’s slate type. Most soft slate is colored, and most hard slate is black, but there are exceptions.

Is it repairable from the inside?
A slate roof typically cannot be repaired from the inside. Repair attempts from inside may cause more significant damage. Small roof leaks may temporarily be sealed from the inside using a spray-on sealant. Still, most experts recommend using buckets instead until a roofing professional completes a proper repair. Source: HomeGuide

If you think your slate roof needs a much-needed repair, call us! We’ll be more than happy to help. From helping you develop a seamless maintenance plan to discussing the most affordable materials for repairs, we have the knowledge and expertise needed to keep your slate roof looking its best for many more years.


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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Kerrisdale Roofing