How To Temporarily Fix Minor Leaks in Your Drain Pipe

At some point, every homeowner will encounter a leak somewhere in their home. If you’ve been a homeowner for quite some time, there’s a chance that you might have dealt with the leak on your own. No matter where they happen, it can be frustrating to handle and can even be costly in some cases.

leaky drain pipe

If it’s your first time dealing with such a problem, you can fix it temporarily then have it fixed by a professional later.  Here are some temporary fixes that you can do to minor leaks in your drain pipe:

Fiberglass Resin Tape

Fiberglass resin tape works well for temporary repairs intended to slow damage. It slows the leaking with water-activated resin that hardens after being applied to the pipe. This method works best for very small leaks that are not urgent or for leaks that need professional attention but cannot be addressed in the immediate future. Source: American Home Project

Silicon Tape

Silicon pipes are suitable for the low flow points in your plumbing system, like the joints and slightly running faucets. Wrap the silicon tape around the pipe tightly, making overlapped rotations to form a tight seal. Silicone tape cannot stick directly to the pipe, but it will stick to its previous layer, so it’s easy to remove later. Silicon tape repair is also temporary but applicable to any pipe.

Pipe Clamp

Clamps have a gasket and small nuts that attach and detach the clamp onto the pipe. Using pipe clamps is a valuable temporary repair, but like any other temporary method, it is also helpful for a short time. However, you cannot apply a clamp on the corners or turns. Source: Plumber Singapore

Epoxy Putty

Epoxy repair putty is a two-part compound that you can use for emergency leaking pipe repair. After cleaning the pipe, thoroughly dry the area around the leak and use a piece of sandpaper to score or roughen the area around the leak. Take enough of each of the two components to cover the leak and knead the pieces together. Once you’ve got the compound properly blended, the putty should be a solid color. Press the compound over the leak, forming it around the pipe to overlap the damaged area. Depending on the product, you may need to apply pressure to the putty while it sets. The material begins hardening in just a couple of minutes, so fit it in place and remove any extra material quickly. Source: Lowe’s

Remember, these fixes and solutions are just temporary, and you should still get it checked by a professional to ensure that the problem will be dealt with permanently. You can always get in touch with us, and we’ll handle the issue as soon as possible!



Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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