Common Problems Caused by Poor Roof Ventilation

When the hot air from your attic isn’t well-ventilated, it can get damaged and may prompt expensive repair as a result. Some homeowners are not aware of its importance and how much it can damage the roofing materials.

A poorly ventilated attic could be hotter than the rooms on your first floor. This is the reason why you need to establish proper ventilation to help reduce heat buildup while also saving money in the process.

If you are still not yet convinced about investing in roof vents for your home, then perhaps these problems it could cause will change your mind.

old roofing with ventilation

1. Moisture buildup

During cold winter months, trouble with excessive moisture can build up under your roof due to poor ventilation.

2. Uncomfortable indoor temperatures

When poor ventilation causes hot air to build up in your attic, it can flow into your living space, making your home uncomfortably warm. When hot air builds up in your attic during the summer, its temperature can climb to over 150°. The hot air then passes through your attic floor into your home. The result of this is increased energy bills, an overworked air conditioning system, and an uncomfortable indoor atmosphere in your home. Source: Christian Brothers Roofing

3. Icicles & Ice Dams

When there’s snow piled up on the roof and you start to notice large ice dams forming along the roof, that means there’s a problem with the roof ventilation. Ice dams form when the roof is heating up, the snow is melting and then the running water is freezing once it reaches the edge of the roof. This is a major indicator of poor roof ventilation and can cause more serious issues. Learn more in our blog about how to avoid ice dams.

4. Your Air Conditioner Breaks Down

Many people don’t correlate the condition of their A/C with the health of their roof, but if you don’t have the proper roof ventilation in place, you could be overworking your air conditioner. On hot summer days when all the hot air is trapped indoors, your A/C is working in overdrive to keep the house cool. This puts stress on your HVAC system, and can shorten the lifespan of the unit. If your A/C has broken down more than once, there’s a good chance you have ventilation problems. Source: Superstorm Restoration

5. Musty Attic

When your roof ventilation doesn’t work correctly, you may notice moisture damage under your roof since the warm rising air creates condensation buildup on your rafters. Excess moisture in your attic can also cause plumbing, heating, and other metal elements to rust and break. You may also notice your attic feels dank and smells musty. Source: JD Hostetter

If you want to avoid these problems, it’s time to contact a professional to get your roof vents sorted out right away. You can get in touch with us, and we’ll help you out as soon as possible!



Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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Kerrisdale Roofing