Stop Throwing These Things Down the Drain

If you’re throwing things down the drain, it may seem okay at first but once you keep on doing this habit, the damage that has accumulated will start exposing itself. It could have negative effects on the environment, your home, and may pose serious health and safety concerns. To avoid any risks associated with a clogged drain, you should be more mindful of the things you’re throwing down there.

Clogged Drain

However, there are some things that people thought are easily to dissolve on the pipeline but it’s actually the opposite. To ensure your drains function properly for several years, you need to stop throwing these things into it:

Oils, Butter, and Grease

Cooking fat tends to solidify at room temperature. The same happens when you dispose of it to the drain straight from the pan. The fat can harden inside your pipes causing blockages and producing a strong odor as it turns rancid.

While it seems obvious we should not dispose of oil or grease down the drain, we find ourselves doing it anyway, and contribute to nearly half of all sewer issues in the United States. To avoid this, let the grease or oil congeal in a container which you can throw into the garbage or reuse for different flavors. You should also constantly check for water damages in case you are not aware of the blockage.


The problem with eggshells is that they have sharp edges which often get stuck in garbage disposal motors and pipes. While they look delicate, the shells become sticky when wet clinging on pipes and garbage disposal blades, hardening over time. They are also made of protein which does not dissolve in water, combined with all the other trash like grease, it builds up complicating the problem further.

We recommend composting eggshells or throwing them in the trash bin instead. Source: Advanta Clean


Flour coagulates when mixed with water. This can clog your pipes by coating the edges and catching other bits of disposables trying to make their way down. Always throw your flour, whether mixed with water or not, in the garbage.


If you flush your unused or expired medication or crush it up and pour it down the drain, those chemicals will be leaked back into your drinking water and the environment. Always make sure to dispose of unwanted medication at your local pharmacy or police department, which will have access to medical waste disposal units. Source: Reader’s Digest

Coffee Grounds

Before you pour the leftover coffee from your French press down the drain, be careful to scoop out and dispose of the grounds first. Even if there aren’t a ton of grounds left, if you have a habit of pouring them down the sink every morning, it can build up. The good news: Coffee grounds can be composted indoors. Source: Real Simple

Hopefully, you’ll be more aware now of the things you throw down the drain. If you’re unsure of it, it’s best to just go for the trash bin instead. And – make sure to give us a call if you encounter a problem!



Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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Kerrisdale Roofing