Common Mistakes Homeowners Make When Building a New Home

You may think that building your own home is a straightforward process, but the truth is there are many potential pitfalls along the way. Whether you’re just starting to plan or in the midst of pouring concrete, this blog post will help you stay two steps ahead and make sure your dream home turns out exactly how you envisioned it. Discover the mistakes you need to avoid when building a new home:

house concept

Not researching your best options first
You will need builders, architects, interior designers, and general contractors for your building project to go smoothly. Avoid trying to figure it out as you go. Instead, do your research to develop the best team for your project.

Preparing a team before the project starts will save you time and money. The team might even give you some better insight into popular architectural styles and the latest home trends, as they probably know them better than you do. Source: Build-Review

Not asking advice from experts
It’s tempting, but don’t try to learn how to run a construction site on the fly. When you’re building your forever/dream/investment home, you need professional help. It’s not the time to try your hand at construction management.

Think of a general contractor as the coach of a team. Their job is to gather bids, connect with all subcontractors and make sure all the work is done correctly, within your budget, and on schedule. They also have connections in the industry and maintain solid relationships with subcontractors (plumbers, electricians, etc.). These local subcontractors want to perform exceptional work on a budget for general contractors because they want repeat business.

Don’t worry, Type As; there are hundreds of home building decisions ahead. You’ll have plenty of chances to direct the progress of the construction. Source: Angi

Not creating a realistic budget
How will you finance your project? Setting a realistic and healthy budget, and ensuring you have the funds to complete your home project for building costs and extra materials, is key.

‘Two in five house renovators overspend their budget by an average of 20 per cent, and this is something which can easily be avoided by planning prior to starting the work,’ Thomas says. ‘Before starting any work, you should itemise all the costs involved and also, ideally, include a bit extra in case of an emergency. By doing this, you are avoiding yourself being halfway through a job and finding yourself out of money.’ Source: HouseBeautiful

If you’re currently in the process of bringing your dream home to life, it’s important to remain level-headed and take a step back when needed. Should you need an extra helping hand or professional advice, don’t hesitate to give us a call!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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