How To Prevent Gutter Issues

The main purpose of your gutters is to channel water away from the foundation and they are important in protecting the structural integrity of your home. For them to do their job properly, they must be kept in good shape and free of any clogs, holes, and sags.

Fortunately, gutter problems are often not too difficult, and homeowners can fix it themselves. These things require routine maintenance and inspecting them can prevent bigger problems from happening in the future.

If you want to get started on your gutter preventive maintenance, here’s what you should do:

Roof Gutter

1. Clogged Gutters – This is the most common problem of all. Left untended, gutters and downspouts get so clogged with debris that they’re rendered useless. The excess weight of leaves, twigs, and standing water can also make them sag and pull away from the fascia.

Clean them at least once a year, and twice a year if you have a lot of trees nearby. You can unclog your own gutters if you’re comfortable on a ladder, don’t mind getting wet and dirty, and don’t have an extremely tall house. After you’ve cleared the muck, flush them with a garden hose to make sure they’re flowing properly. If you’d prefer, you can hire someone to do the job for you for between $50 and $250, depending on the size of your house.

Another option for dealing with chronically clogged gutters is to outfit them with gutter covers. These include mesh screens, clip-on grates, and porous foam. They still need regular maintenance, though, and the cost can be more than the gutters themselves. Source: House Logic

2. Leaks and Holes – If you notice a stream of water pouring down from the middle of your gutters, it’s likely that your gutters have sprung a leak. Leaks and holes can happen pretty easily and are usually pretty simple to fix. You can use gutter sealant to caulk the seams to repair leaky seams, while larger holes will need to be patched. Patching kits are easily found at most hardware stores, and are easy to use. Just make sure that when you’re patching a hole, you’re using the same material as the gutter to patch it—using a different material can cause erosion. Source: Shack Shine

3. Improper Slope – Many homeowners don’t give a second thought about gutter slope. The gutter slope is essential to the overall functioning of the system—and an incorrect slope can cause a myriad of problems.

The gutter slope, otherwise known as the pitch, is the amount the gutters slant downward to direct the path of water flow. If the gutter slope isn’t properly positioned, it will pool in the system and spill over the sides.

If the slope is slanted too sharply, the gutters can’t function at full capacity.

The general rule is to slope the gutters at 1/4th-inch per 10 feet of gutters. Source: Universal Windows Direct

Your gutters shouldn’t be too big of an issue if you tackle these problems beforehand. Or if you’d prefer to hire our professionals to help – just give us a call!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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