Signs of Poor Home Maintenance

Maintaining your home is a never-ending task. But it’s one that’s worth undertaking, because a well-maintained home is safer and more valuable. Here are some common signs that you may need to devote more time to home maintenance.

Home Maintenance

Missing or damaged shingles
A broken shingle is both ugly and a leak waiting to happen. But as long as you can find matching shingles (and you’re not afraid of heights), the repair is straightforward.

Filthy soffits
Attic ventilation is critical to the health of your house. It begins with soffit vents that inhale outside air—necessary to create an airflow that moves warm attic air out the roof vents. Once the air enters the soffit, it usually proceeds through an air chute or some other opening along the underside of the roof into the attic. The plastic air chutes (from home centers and building suppliers) in each rafter space keep the air path clear between the rafters and the roof sheathing. Clear soffits help to prevent moisture buildup and ultimately mold growth on your roof’s framing. Source: FamilyHandyman

Ceiling discoloration
The warning sign: Spots or patches on your ceiling that are a different color than the rest of it.
What it may mean: On top of being unsightly, ceiling stains often suggest bigger problems like water damage. Ceiling stains can be caused by leaky pipes, condensation, ice dam damage, or hard water. It can come from internal sources like your HVAC system or external ones like a leak in the roof. Ceilings don’t just change color on their own, so know that something caused it and you’re going to need to figure out what. Source: Bankrate

Clogged or slow drainage
A slow sink or shower drain isn’t much cause for concern, after all that’s just typical home maintenance headaches. However, if you notice the issue throughout the house then you have a bigger problem on your hands. When all the pipes are slow to drain it could be a sign that you have a clog in the main sewer line. This is a plumbing emergency, and you should call a professional plumber to fix it as soon as possible. Source: BobVila

If you’re seeing any of these signs, it’s time to call in a professional. A good contractor can help you get your home back into shape and prevent more serious (and expensive) problems down the road. Get in touch with us today and let us take care of everything for you!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains

168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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