Common Chimney Problems to Avoid

As a homeowner, it’s important to be aware of common chimney problems and how to avoid them. By knowing what to look for, you can catch any potential issues before they turn into costly repairs. Here are some of the most common chimney problems to watch out for.

Kerrisdale Roofing and Drains

The buildup of creosote
Burning wood in a fireplace creates creosote, a mixture of harsh chemicals the CDC recommends we avoid ingesting. As fireplace smoke condenses, it will build up in the chimney liner_first as a soot-like powder, then as a dark brown tar-like substance. Deposits from one or two burns won’t cause much trouble, but excessive buildup over time can become flammable if not appropriately addressed.

Basically, the more buildup, the greater your risk of chimney fire (and not the relaxing, pretty kind, either). Source: Angi

Flawed or out-of-date design
Poor or outdated construction can also lead to several other chimney problems. Oversized and unlined chimneys often have cool temperatures and, as a result, poor drafts. This means that, as the gases cool, instead of traveling out of the chimney and into the atmosphere, they condense and remain trapped in the structure. Source: HomeQuestionsAnswered

Problems with chimney chase
Chimney chases are framed structures that enclose a metal flue. They are usually constructed after the house was built, so they often don’t sit on the house’s foundation but have their own. Look for problems you would encounter with any structure that is attached to the main house: gaps where the chase meets the house wall, wood rot, missing siding, and the like.

The chase cover at the top of the chase keeps water out of the structure and the fireplace flue. If it is rusted or damaged in some other way, replace it with a new chase cover. Source: Hunker

Need help in keeping the chimney in best shape? Call us and get a free estimate!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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