How to Prepare Your Home for Roof Installation

Are you excited to have your new roof installed? Before the roofing pros arrive, make sure your home is ready for this big project. In order to prevent any problems, we recommend you have a checklist of items that need to be done before the roofing pros arrive. Here are some ideas:

Kerrisdale Roofing and Drains Ltd. Ltd.

There will be a lot of noise
Unless you want to make sure you can oversee the process from home – and you have a good pair of noise-cancelling headphones – you’ll want to plan to leave at least for day one (if it takes more than one day). And, take your dogs with you. They’re sensitive to noise and will likely bark all day.

It may take longer than a day
This depends on a number of factors, including how large your home is, and how many workers are assigned to the job. Make sure to ask upfront; you don’t want to assume it’s a one-day job and end up having to make last-minute plans for family and pets for the remainder. Source: RealtyTimes

Inform your neighbors in advance
The neighbors will also be affected, not just your household members. There will be all kinds of machines and materials making noise during the process no matter how quiet you try to be. You should talk to your neighbors and prepare them for the noise that is bound to happen. This will allow them to adjust their schedules as they will know of the disturbance about to happen. Don’t forget to give an estimate of the duration of the project. Source: e-Architect

Get your grass mowed short
Shorter grass will make it easier for your roofers to use a magnetic nail finder to recover any nails or staples that go astray during a roof replacement.

Protect items in your attic using a tarp
Small gaps in your decking can allow shingles, nails and other debris to fall onto your insulation or valuables stored in your attic.

Clear your lawn or garden
This also applies to vehicles parked in your driveway. Relocating valuable items will minimize the chance of them being damaged while your roofing team hauls debris over the side of your roof. Source: Modernize

For more information about how our team can help prepare your home for installation or if you want some advice on choosing the best option for your needs, give us a call today.


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains Ltd.
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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Kerrisdale Roofing