2021 Top Home Décor Trends That You’ll Love!

To say that we’ve been through a lot in 2020 might be an understatement. And now that we have the chance to start anew, we deserve to live a happier and more stress-free life. Make your home a sanctuary of peace, safety, and comfort by trying out this year’s trends.


Bringing in more plants
“Indoor trees and plants are going to continue their ascent into home design mainstay. They freshen indoor air, bring the clarity and calm of nature indoors, act like sculpture on a shelf or table top, and caring for them is grounding and life affirming. Developing a collection of interior plants wins on all levels: Aesthetic, functional and mental.” — Emilie Munroe Source: GoodHousekeeping

Creating privacy through closed spaces
Throughout 2020, many families had to learn how to co-exist under the same roof from morning until night, and as we head into a new year, the appeal of open floor plans, where each room flows seamlessly into the next, has greatly diminished. “The pandemic has forced us to recognize how important our space is, and open floor plans aren’t always the best decision when it comes to intentionally using a room,” Santiago says. Carving out a designated space for different activities, such as remote work or homeschooling, allows for more privacy and limits distraction, she says. Source: BHG

No-touch smart technology
As it’s improved to offer services people actually want, home tech has become a growing priority in recent years. Once the preserve of millionaires’ homes automated household items are now a feature of the most middle of the road home but Covid-19 has accelerated the trend.

No-touch tech is set to be a boom industry in 2021 with voice- and sensor-controlled taps and lights increasingly popular, according to designers interviewed by Houzz. Source: HomesAndProperty

Outdoor entertaining
As the coronavirus pandemic moved small gatherings and holiday celebrations outside, our outdoor spaces took on newfound importance. Instead of embracing hygge and snuggling up indoors, many people have espoused the Danish concept of friluftsliv, or “free air life,” and are bundling up before heading outside.

According to Etsy trend expert Dayna Isom Johnson, 2021 is the year we’ll take full advantage of our backyards, patios, and balconies as we bring the indoors outside. To complete our cozy outdoor spaces, weatherproof upholstery, comfy patio furniture, and even drink ledges for balcony railings top our wishlists. Source: RealSimple

It’s been a while since you’ve welcomed family and friends at home. But with more good news and relaxed protocols, it might only be a few months before you can start entertaining them on your patio or deck. Let’s give your outdoor space an inviting look. Call us for a free estimate!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains Ltd.
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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