3 Types of Skylights

Installing skylights is a stylish and efficient way to let natural light into your home. There are different styles you can choose from depending on where you plan to put it. Here are your options:

Fixed skylights, as the name implies, are ones that do not open. Generally rectangular or square, they are glazed with flat or gently curved panes of tempered glass, or with acrylic or polycarbonate plastic in flat, bubble-shaped, or other molded profiles. Plastic skylights are usually more economical than glass ones and put less weight on your roof, but plastic can scratch and dull over time, and plastic-glazed skylights afford fewer options with regard to energy efficiency and UV (ultraviolet) protection.

Glass skylights come equipped, at a minimum, with tempered glass in a double layer with an air space between them. Better glass skylights will include a low-E (low-emissivity) coating that modifies heat gain and provides protection from ultraviolet rays for furniture and floors. The best glass skylights are filled with argon gas between the panes to improve their insulating ability—their R-value—even more. Source: Hunker

Tubular skylights are the newest types of skylight on the market. Also called “light tubes” or “sun pipes,” they are diminutive, domed skylights paired with a reflective metal tube; the combination can make a dramatic difference in the level of light. Typically installed in small rooms, hallways and closets, they are normally 10″, 14″, or 21” in diameter. Tubular skylights often come with special features such as a dimmer switch to control the amount of daylight that is admitted or an integrated ventilation fan. Source: Networx

A ventilating skylight may be opened to allow air to pass through. These skylights are ideal for bathrooms and kitchens, where they help to relieve excess moisture and keep the flow of air steady. Ventilating skylights may be controlled by a remote, by a hand crank, or by an automatic sensor which tracks inside temperature. Source: WiseGeek

We can help you install a skylight that suits your budget and needs. Call us today!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains Ltd.
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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