5 Roofing Mistakes To Avoid

Before you have your roof installed or repaired, learn about the most common mistakes that might occur so you can avoid them:

Incorrect installation
Every roofing manufacturer has specific regulations on how their roofs must be installed. Items, such as number of nails per shingle, can determine whether a manufacturer will stand behind their warranty should the roof fail earlier than the guaranteed lifespan.

Failing to get an attic
A roof is an entire system, comprised of many components. Proper attic ventilation is necessary. Without it, your shingles can wear out sooner than they should, your insulation can be ruined and your energy costs can skyrocket.

Not getting a roofing permit
In most cases, a permit is needed to install a new roof. The homeowner is the one held liable for failure to obtain a permit. Ramifications can include fines, forced removal of the new roof, or your insurance company refusing to insure the roof. Source: AngiesList

Buying cheap materials
As rational human beings, we will most probably go for the most affordable materials. The paradox of this belief is that cheap might be expensive because low-quality materials get damaged faster. To achieve the best roof repair, go for high-quality materials that will serve you for long. Your house will also look more presentable when you purchase the right products. You can do an online search or ask for recommendations from friends and relatives to know what material will work best for you. Source: FineHomesAndLiving

No leak barrier
The installation of the leak barrier is necessary since it provides extra protection in vulnerable areas or places with perforations due to nails or fasteners. The parts of the roof in which we recommend the installation of leak barriers are valleys, vertical walls, accessories, eaves, chimneys, and skylights, but it could vary depending on the region of the country in which you live. Source: GAF

We’ve been taking care of roofs in the Vancouver lower mainland area for more than 55 years. You can rest assure that your roof installation will be seamless with us. Call us to book an appointment!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains Ltd.
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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Kerrisdale Roofing