4 Tips for Boosting Your Home’s Curb Appeal

Most people want to improve their home’s curb appeal for one of two reasons: first, when trying to sell the house, or second, just wanting to make it look more delightful. Create a better façade for your home this summer by considering the following projects:

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Freshen up the roof
This may sound like a strange option at first but a change in color or design of the roof can dramatically change the way in which a building is perceived. When you own a house and look for things to personalize, the roof is always seen as an immovable object but this simply isn’t true and in fact, you can test colors and designs to see what suits your house; you will be surprised to see just how much of an improvement a roof change will bring. Source: HuffingtonPost

Change gutters and downspouts
If your home has an older gutter system, odds are it’s also suffering from peeling paint, rust spots, or other problems that can convey a sense of neglect. Replace old systems with newer, snap-fit vinyl gutter systems that go together with few tools and require no painting. Copper systems, while pricier, convey an unmistakable look of quality and pretty curb appeal. Source: BHG

Repair the driveway
Cement, stone and pavement all can split and crack over time. Repairing or replacing damaged areas can do wonders to freshen up your home’s street view. Source: Houzz

Replace old hardware
Don’t overlook the simple things that improve curb appeal, such as changing the outdated lock and handle on your front door, replacing rusty light fixtures, and installing decorative house numbers. These accents provide subtle enhancements that help to define the home’s overall look.

This doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing deal, either. If you’re happy with your door hardware, leave it alone and concentrate on upgrading the porch light fixtures. Even something as simple as placing brushed-nickel address numbers on your siding adds a handsome point of interest. Source: PopularMechanics

Take up these projects without breaking a sweat by leaving the task to us! Find out more information when you call us today!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains Ltd.
168 W 71st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 4S7
(604) 360-2114

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