Properly Maintained Vancouver Drainage Prevents Domestic Disasters

Drainage in Vancouver homes is important because there are many ways that excess water can destroy a home and property. As plumbing experts say, drain tiles that have been properly installed and maintained through annual flushing can protect residences from flooding. They are essential to keeping basements dry, and to preventing soil erosion and water damage.

Various problems may arise when there are problems with the drainage. Basements, in particular, are prone to these problems.  If drains are clogged, water for household use will not be able to flow in and out of the house. This can lead to a water build-up, and the resulting pressure can crack foundation walls, allowing water to enter the basement.

Reduce Sewer Or Drain Losses In Your Basement

Some of the causes of drain clogs are debris in the pipes, invading roots from nearby trees, and other non-disintegrating waste items that may have found their way into the drains. With proper maintenance, this can be prevented, and in the process, also prevent the high costs that may result from major repairs.

One of the things to you can do is to ensure that your gutter downspouts spread at least 10 feet away from the foundation of the house to keep water away from the basement. Also, make sure that the gutters are cleaned at least twice a year to prevent overflowing. Drain lines of gutters connected to storm sewer lines should always be kept clear of debris and other obstructions.

Drain tiles are also important to an efficient drainage system. These are designed to steer water seepage away from the house. It is installed in two possible places: the interior perimeter of the foundation or along the exterior of the house. The most common drain tile systems are located below the concrete slab in the interior. On the other hand, exterior drain tiles are typically installed as the house is being built.

Drain tile failures can happen, however, if the drains are broken, cracked, or clogged, often due to age. Older drain tiles are typically not installed with filtering material, which can let debris in and cause clogging. Some signs of drain tile failure include water ponds in crawl spaces, and efflorescence or white marks on basement walls. When you see these signs, call on Vancouver drain tile experts like Kerrisdales Roofing and Drains Ltd. LTD immediately, before your basement gets flooded or collect excessive moisture.

A well-functioning drainage system can save you from major domestic disasters, so make sure to have your home’s system inspected at least once a year by the pros.

(Source: Reduce Sewer Or Drain Losses In Your Basement, StateFarm)

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Kerrisdale Roofing